Human Being

You know what. We always have things to talk about. Video games, movies, shows, celebrities, economy, bbqs for sure. But none of this can last for more than 5 min cheat chat except talking behind our friends, colleagues , bosses, etc. Isn’t it interesting?

The moment that we start talking we never know how far we will push it. The worst thing is that we cheat ourselves to trust our listeners to the extent that they won’t spread our words to the third person! But they are human like us and they NEED (seriously?!) to talk behind us with other friends including those we did talk behind. I call this process an indirect retaliation.

I’ve noticed that you can easily be involved in an indirect retaliation if you are not aware of your surrounding. It is like a magnet that temporarily polarizes you, then attracts you, then leave you with a magnetized character. Lets to be wise and not to be the magnet teacher of others.

Have a good day!

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